Department Entity Service Promotion

Department Entity service manages the department and its hierarchies metadata. It deals with department entities and department hierarchy only. Department Entity and Department Hierarchy were earlier in the iFIX core. Now, they have been moved to the mGramSeva iFIX adapter side. This page provides details on how to migrate that data from iFIX DB to mGramSeva iFIX adapter DB.

Steps To Migrate

  1. Create (if it's not available) DB schema (Mongo) in mgramseva namespace.

  2. Create (if it's not available) DB schema (Mongo) in mgramseva namespace.

  3. We can drop unused collections from iFix DB using the below steps :

    1. Connect to ifix namespace playground pod

      kubectl exec -it <playground-pod-name> -n ifix -- /bin/bash

    2. Connect to the particular mongo db

      mongo --host <hostname>:27017 -u <username> -p <password>

    3. Use db

      use <db_name>

    4. Check the above-mentioned collection name using the below commands


    5. If above mentioned (highlighted in bold) collections are there then drop them off using below commands



Steps To Use Department Entity Service

Port-forward the Department Entity service in localhost from a specific environment (like QA/UAT/Prod). Below is the command to port-forward :

kubectl port-forward <pod-name> 8032:8080 -n mgramseva

Technical Doc

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