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Explore our iFIX (PFM) roadmap detailed view below.
Building Shared Narrative
i. Bluebook gap areas addressed and partner feedback incorporated ii. Finalize list of actors to approach for publishing the Bluebook iii. List of PFM Conferences identified to participate in iv. Draft of Health-financing white paper
i. Engage with identified actors to get commitment for publishing the Bluebook ii. 1 Op-ed iii. Health-financing white paper published
i. Bluebook V6 Published with GOI/ State Govt ii. Participation in 1 conference
i. Op-ed ii. mGramSeva case study with CPR
Design and Build DPGs
i. IFMIS integration demonstrated in Odisha ii. iFIX enhancements for Works/ MUKTASoft iii. Webinar to release V1 of iFIX Specs iv. Works V1 Development
i. Specs V2 developed through collaborative workshops with Samaaj and Sarkaar partners ii. Works V2 iii. Explore PFMS integration through iFIX exemplar in Punjab
i. iFIX health use case (ASHA worker payments) to be specified for adoption by Piramal in Jharkhand, subject to funding commitment from BMGF ii. Works V3 iii. Webinar to release V2 of iFIX Specs/ iFIX for Smart Payments iv. Dashboard Prototypes - Scheme Dashboard, Chief Minister's/ Chief Secretary's Dashboard for Financial Performance Management at State-Level, and Dept Head Dashboard
Asha Worker use case implementation starts
Scale @ Speed Exemplar to Ship Imagination
i. mGramSeva handover to DWSS with PSPCL integration live ii. iFIX program initiated with FD with a signed MoU specifying the program design, exemplar timelines and a clear handover plan for FD to own the program iii. iFIX Exemplar kicked off in Punjab iv. Hiring Engagement Manager
i. Initiate the adoption approach with identified line departments ii. State iFIX dashboard live
Case Study on FD iFix success
i. MUKTA V1 customisation and deployment ii. iFIX integration with IFMS in Odisha to showcase Smart Payments through MUKTASoft iii. Account Management Hiring
i. MUKTA V2 customisation and deployment ii. MUKTA adoption monitoring
i. MUKTA V3 customisation and deployment ii. MUKTA handover plan for HUDD ownership iii. Mukta Webinar and product proposition for smart payments
i. MUKTA handed back to HUDD
Catalysing Scale and Adoption
i. Note on benefits of IFMS+iFIX vs Only IFMS presented to WB ii. iFIX value proposition collateral: - Microsite updated - Scheme dashboard prototype - Artefacts/ Success Stories/ Case Study iii. Finalise champion in IMF who we will be approaching for the board note
i. Engagement with IMF on board note and readiness for it (advocacy)
i. Draft of board note circulated with IMF for feedback and finalisation
i. IMF issues board note endorsing fiscal events approach
Sustaining and Institutionalisation
Identify 4-5 agencies who should publish V2 of iFIX specs ii. Connect to 16th FC through Policy team"
Advocacy for handover and publishing of specs by the agency or by convening a working group under the CGA or DoE ii. Approach backup agencies if DoE (FinMin) or CAG do not engage at the required pace"
Advocacy for handover and publishing of specs by the agency ii. Approach backup agencies if DoE (FinMin) or CAG do not engage at the required pace"
V2 Specs launched