Quickstart/Local Setup
iFIX Quickstart - this is not for a production
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iFIX Quickstart - this is not for a production
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Quickstart installation helps you jump-start with the iFIX basic installation with limited functionalities.β
iFIX is a distributed microservice-based platform that comprises many containerized services. Depending upon the required features, the specific services can be run on any container-supported orchestration platform like docker-compose, Kubernetes, etc.β
The Quickstart guide covers the installation steps for basic services to get the platform up. Before setting up iFIX, create a lightweight Kubernetes cluster called k3d on a local machine with specified hardware requirements. The hardware requirements are listed below to ensure before we proceed further.β
To provision a lightweight Kubernetes cluster, follow the instructions below in context to your OS and install the k3d on your machine.β
min 4 vCPUs (recommended 8)
min 8GiB of RAM (recommended 16)
min 30GiB of HDD (recommended 30+)
Linux distribution running in a VM or bare metal
Ubuntu 18.04 or Debian 10 (VM or bare metal)
Install Dockerβ
βInstall kubectl on Linux
Open the terminal and Install k3d on Linux using the below command
OSX or Mac
βDocker Desktop local Kubernetes cluster enabled
βInstall kubectl on Mac
Install k3d on Mac, on terminal use Homebrew (Homebrew is available for MacOS) using the below command
Windows 10 or above
βDocker Desktop for windows need to be installed
βInstall kubectl on Windows
βInstall Chocolatey package manager for windows
Install GitBash as an alternative command prompt that allows most of the Linux commands on Windows.
Open gitbash and Install k3d on Windows using the below command
Once the above prerequisites are met, run the following tasks depending on your OS.β
login/ssh into the machine, go to terminal/command prompt and run the following commands as an admin user.
Create /Kube directory and change permission. To use this directory for persistent data mount. This means data from all container logs will be stored here.
Create a cluster with a single master node and 2 agents (Worker Nodes) and mount the pre-created directory (for data persistence).
βWhen cluster creation is successful, get the kubeconfig file, that allows you to connect to the cluster at any time.
Verify the cluster creation by running the following commands from your local machine where the kubectl is installed. It gives you the sample output as below
You can verify the workers' nodes created by using the following command.
βOnce the above steps are completed successfully, your Cluster is now up and running ready to proceed with the DIGIT Deployment.β
βNow that we have the Infra setup to proceed with the DIGIT Deployment. Below are the tools (in the Pre-requisites section) that need to be installed on the machine before proceeding with the deployment of DIGIT Services.β
What we'll deploy in Quickstart:β
iFIX core platform services
βkubectl is a CLI to connect to the Kubernetes cluster from your machine
Install CURL for making API calls
βInstall Visualstudio IDE Code for better code/configuration editing capabilities
The iFix services deployment configurations are in GitRepo which needs to install git and then git clone it to your local.
βInstall Postman to run some DIGIT bootstrap scripts.
βAfter cloning the repo CD into the folder iFix-DevOps, type the "code ." This command will open the visual editor and all the files from the repo iFix-DevOps
Check the sample deployment config file that needs to be configured as per any specific values according to your needs. (For a quick start you can run as it is)
Add the following entries in your host file /etc/hosts depending on your OS, instructions can be found here.
βOnce the prerequisite setup is complete, go to the following repo, run the command and follow the instructions.
Test the DIGIT application status in the command prompt/terminal using the below command.
All iFIX services are packaged using helm charts Installing Helmβ