Blue Print
Work in Progress
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Work in Progress
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Budget Preparation
Incorrect /inaccurate fiscal projections obscure estimation of the total resource envelope
Receipts - estimation of receipts from different sources (own, grants, transfers)
Expenditure - estimation of expenditure dependent on other budgetary units of which there might not be real-time information
Borrowings - estimation of borrowing requirements which is mostly for sustaining cash flow rather than for capital investment
Estimates prepared by budgetary units without adequate information about the total resource envelope reduces the credibility of budget estimates
Estimates prepared without duly assessing the fiscal impact of revenue and expenditure reduces the credibility of budget estimates
Estimates often prepared based on estimates of previous years rather than actuals (incremental budget) reduces the credibility of budget estimates
Ceilings impose rigidity/inflexibility in the financial planning of budgetary units which compromises financial planning for strategic/priority areas and reduces the autonomy of budgetary units
Budget Allocation
The budget allocated according to past spending patterns need not be uniformly distributed across the fiscal year. It might not have been actually spent and instead parked in PD accounts that leads to inefficient allocation.
No visibility/information about the allocation of funds, and/or the mechanism of such allocation, beyond a point in the hierarchical fund flow cycle that reduces the transparency in fund flow.
Allocations not made after due assessment of needs, the capability of spending, etc.
Budget Execution
Mismatch in cash commitment forecasts and cash requirements; inability to provide reliable information on the availability of funds to budgetary units for service delivery
Lack of cash availability places constraints on spending and/or disbursal of funds to other budgetary units
Lack of transparency and timeliness in fund flow from one level to the other
Uncertainty/time lag issues in disbursal/flow of funds to implementing agencies
Inefficient process because of ‘push and wait’ or supply-driven mechanism of fund flow
Inefficient allocation of funds to budgetary units due to utilization certificates
Spending pattern not uniformly distributed across the fiscal year
Float or the accrual of unutilized funds co-existing with the scarcity of funds in the system
Building up of arrears due to delayed payments and collections that impacts cash management, fiscal discipline
Overspending and/or under-spending; insufficient/inadequate collections that impacts cash management, fiscal discipline
Budget Accounting/Reporting
Budget data on Actuals on the expenditure side convey disbursements not actual spending
Budget data on Actuals on the receipt side convey collections, including arrears, while the arrears may not always translate into actual collections
Cash-based accounting offers scope for artificial or ad hoc postponement of expenditures or advanced collection of taxes which reduces the reliability of fiscal data
Reporting is not always in real-time which makes it difficult to timely track inconsistencies, especially when the information comes from various sources/systems, and delays timely corrective action
Reporting is not consistent, comprehensive, and timely across all levels of government, especially as one goes down in the governance structure
Reporting formats vary across and within levels of governments making it difficult to do meaningful comparative analysis - systems not interacting with each other
Reporting on financial performance is often disjointed from reporting on physical performance/outcomes
Timely audits do not happen, and if they do, not necessarily across all levels of government
The time lag between the occurrence of a financial event and its audit - delays timely identification of problem/area of concern hence constraints timely actionability
Delay in the issuance of recommended actions in audit reports by the legislature and implementation by the executive
Inability to comprehensively track whether funds get transferred to end beneficiaries
Inability to reconcile fiscal plans, fiscal rules, fiscal resources, fiscal discipline