Data Migration

This migration is mukta-specific, it will not be part of the master code.

Program Creation

After installation of all required services, port-forward the program service and create programs for each ULB. A sample curl is added below.

curl --location 'http://localhost:8082/program-service/v1/program/_create' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "signature": null,
    "header": {
        "message_id": "123",
        "message_ts": "1708428280",
        "message_type": "program",
        "action": "create",
        "sender_id": "program@",
        "receiver_id": "program@"
    "message": {
        "location_code": "pg.citya",
        "name": "ifix",
        "description": "Empowering local communities through sustainable development projects.",
        "start_date": 1672531200,
        "end_date": 1704067200,
        "status": {
            "status_code": "INITIATED",
            "status_message": "ACTIVE"
        "additional_details": {},
        "function_code": "",
        "administration_code": "",
        "recipient_segment_code": "",
        "economic_segment_code": "",
        "source_of_fund_code": "",
        "target_segment_code": null,
        "currency_code": "INR",
        "locale_code": ""
  • Configure all program codes that you created for each ULB to the MDMS.

IFMS Data Migration

  • IFMS adapter data migration for mukta-adapter ad program service

    • Use this specific branch for iFix migration.

    • Update environment variables according to the environment.

    • Build the Python migration script and deploy it in the environment.

    • Port forward the service and call the API to start the migration.

Last updated

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